Why See An Endodontist?

If you need a root canal, see an endodontist – the specialists in saving teeth.

Endodontists are dentists who have completed an additional two or more years of training beyond dental school.  Endodontists focus mostly on diagnosing and treating tooth pain, often by root canal treatment or other procedures related to the interior of the tooth. While all endodontists are dentists, less than three percent of dentists are endodontists.

By limiting their practice to endodontics, endodontists focus exclusively on treatments of the dental pulp.  Endodontists don’t place fillings or clean teeth — they dedicate their time to diagnosing and treating tooth pain, usually with root canal treatments.  They are skilled specialists in finding the cause of oral and facial pain that has been difficult to diagnosis.

Endodontists mainly do root canal treatments, perform various endodontic surgeries and address traumatic dental injuries when they arise.  Their overall goal is to save your natural teeth whenever possible.  In spite of this, an endodontist will always look at all treatment options to determine the best course of action for your individual case.

Endodontists have materials and equipment designed to make your treatment more comfortable and successful. They use a small sheet of plastic or rubber called a dental dam to isolate the tooth during treatment, protecting the rest of your mouth.

Digital radiographs and 3-D imaging allow endodontists to take detailed pictures of tiny tooth anatomy to better see the root canals and any related infections.

The space inside root canals is smaller than FDR’s ear on the dime! Endodontists use dental operating microscopes to better see inside the root canals to thoroughly treat them.

If you have pain, it is important to take care of the source as soon as possible.  You’ll feel better and likely save your tooth.  Some people may fear having work done on their teeth, but there is no need to fear root canal treatment.  When it comes to relieving your dental discomfort, endodontists can usually get you feeling better and back to work the same day.

If you’re experiencing tooth pain and have sensitivity to hot or cold, it might be time to have an endodontist examine your tooth.

Alternatively, if you have been involved in an accident receiving facial trauma and/or there is swelling around the teeth, gums or your face, give us a call that day.  In any case, delaying treatment for a tooth that is acting up may complicate your case and lessen the chances of saving your tooth.


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